Is it possible to market a city exactly as it does with a company and its products? Can you consider a promenade, a monument, a sunset or a walk like a bottle of wine, a smartphone or a pair of shoes? Even for those who manage our cities, it seems that the time has come to evolve using marketing tools to give value to our brand and to the resources that are not yet fully exploited, but which at the same time contribute decisively to the growth of the territory and the improvement of life of those who live there. This volume analyzes the affinities and differences between promoting a product and promoting a city.
There are many points of contact but also the facets of the actors involved that make the elaboration of a competitive and rewarding marketing plan more articulate. In this book, also through the study of national and international case histories and best practices, we will discover how the marketing of the territory represents a path that has to do with belonging, with the urban identity, with the reputation of the cities merging many disciplines and objectives: effective and successful territorial marketing is the synthesis of a great group work among very demanding players who often, while having different dreams, live similar and complementary experiences.